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        • Oligonucleotides

      • Cell and Gene Therapy

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        • Fill/Finish

        • Oligonucleotides

      • Pharmaceutical

        • Oligonucleotides

        • Small Molecule

    • By Application

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        • Tube Sets and Manifolds

        • 2D and 3D Bags

        • Cynergy® Fittings

        • Cynergy® Valves

        • Custom Dip Tubes, Tanks, and Containers

        • NOWPak® Liner Based Systems

      • Bulk Fill

        • 2D and 3D Bags

        • Tube Sets and Manifolds

      • Cell Growth

        • Motion Bioreactor Bags

        • 2D and 3D Bags

        • Tubing and Pipe

        • Tube Sets and Manifolds

      • Cell Separation

        • Filtration and Purification

        • Tube Sets and Manifolds

        • Tubing and Pipe

        • 2D and 3D Bags

        • Microcarrier and Cell Separation Systems

      • Facilities/Bulk Chemicals

        • Chemical and Bioprocessing Containers

        • 2D and 3D Bags

        • NOWPak® Liner Based Systems

        • Tube Sets and Manifolds

      • Fill/Finish

        • Tube Sets and Manifolds

        • 2D and 3D Bags

      • Freezing

      • Media Prep

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      • Medical Devices

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        • Catalysts

        • Ligands

        • Organophosphorus Compounds

        • Filtration and Purification

      • Storage

        • Chemical and Bioprocessing Containers

        • 2D and 3D Bags

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        • NOWPak® Liner Based Systems

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    • Single-Use Assemblies

      • 2D and 3D Bags

      • Mixing Systems

      • Motion Bioreactor Bags

      • Microcarrier and Cell Separation Systems

      • Tube Sets and Manifolds

      • Secondary Containment

    • Filtration and Purification

      • Liquid Filters

      • Vent Gas Filters

    • Fluid Management

      • Tube Sets and Manifolds

      • Cynergy® Valves

      • Cynergy® Fittings

      • Custom Dip Tubes

      • Tubing and Pipe

    • Process Monitoring

      • Particle Characterization

    • Chemical Packaging

      • FluoroPure® HDPE Blowmolded Drums

        • FluoroPure® Trilayer HDPE Blowmolded Drums

        • FluoroPure® Advantage Trilayer HDPE Blowmolded Drums

      • NOWPak® Liner-Based Systems

      • FluoroPure® Composite Drums

      • FluoroPure® Intermediate Bulk Containers

      • Sentry® Quick Connect Systems

    • Specialty Chemicals

      • Catalysts

      • Ligands

      • Organophosphorus Compounds

      • Siloxanes

      • Specialty Acrylates and Methacrylates

      • Specialty Additives

    • Premium Graphite

      • Life Sciences Graphite Grades

      • Premium Graphite Components

      • Graphite Processing Options

  • resources resources Resources
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      • Aramus™ Shaped 2D Single-Use Bags

      • Cell and Gene Therapy

      • Cold Chain Bioprocessing

      • Filter Bag Assembly

      • High-Density Cell Banking

      • Life Sciences Filtration

      • Low-Temperature Bioprocessing

      • Nanoparticles

      • Pandemic Response

      • Particle Characterization

      • Single-Use Solutions for Bioprocessing

      • USP Subvisible Particulate Testing

      • Cell Expansion and Cryogenic Banking

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New biopharmaceutical drug products that alter and even save lives can be very profitable for their developers. They are, however, costly to develop and represent significant investment, particularly at the end of the manufacturing process. For this reason, safe cost-effective frozen storage and transport are critical, especially as drugs transition from R&D through clinical trial and to higher volume production.

Transitioning to more efficient, cost-effective, single-use solutions can help biopharmaceutical manufacturers hit performance targets at high yields.

Learn how in this previously recorded webinar.



Mike Johnson image

Mike Johnson | Director R&D Engineering
Entegris, Inc. 

Member, ASME-BioProcess Equipment (BPE) Standard Executive Committee
Chair, ASME-BPE Polymer Materials Subcommittee
Advisory Board Member, University of Minnesota Nano Center

Mike Johnson joined Entegris in March 1996 as a project engineer and entered his current role as Director of R&D Engineering in early 2019. His primary responsibilities include leading, directing, and coordinating research and development activities associated with high-purity liquid packaging solutions for the semiconductor and life sciences industries.

Over the last 20+ years, Mike has held various positions at Entegris including project engineer, application engineer, and global product marketing manager. Through these roles he has established himself as a subject matter expert on high-purity fluid handling of critical process fluids. 

Get more information on our Cold Chain Bioprocessing Solutions.

Johannes Kirchmair image

Johannes Kirchmair | CEO/founder
Single Use Support GmbH

Johannes Kirchmair spent 15 years as a process and business development manager in the single-use industry. As part of BPSA, ASTM, and Dechema working groups, he is well versed in the industry challenges surrounding freezing and cryo processes.

In 2015, he co-founded Single Use Support GmbH (SUSupport) in Austria. SUSupport developed a helium-based integrity test machine for point-of-use testing single-use bags, as well as a number of technologies that allow clients to reduce product loss during freeze/thaw processes to 0%. SUSupport’s mission is to improve single-use bag technology to maintain drug integrity and increase patient safety. www.susupport.com.